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Slide Down J 



When it comes to reading a very important aspect is being able to recognize the look of a letter and the sound it makes. This lesson will help identify the /j/, this phoneme is represented by J. Students will learn how to recognize the letter J and hear the /j/ used in spoken words. They will practice finding /j/ words and the awareness of the /j/ sound in words by using rhyming words. We will use a worksheet and books to learn about the letter j and the sound it makes. 



  • pencil 

  • primary paper 

  • crayons 

  • dry erase board and marker

  • chart of “Jen Jumps Jar Jelly” 

  • assessment worksheet on writing the letter J and identifying words with the sound /j/

  • Jack and Jill copy for whole class 



  1.  ~say~ Alright class today we will be working with the letter J. The letter J makes the /j/ sound. Can everyone copy my mouth and make the /j/ sound. The /j/ sound goes with the letter J and that letter looks like a slide that we slide down on the playground. 

  2.  ~say~ Alright can everyone make this shape with their fingers. *holds up letter J* Now take your other hand and let your finger slide down it as we say /j/. Notice how the /j/ gets slightly louder as we reach the curve. 

  3.  ~say~ Now let me show you how to find the /j/ in words. I am going to say the word jump super slowly and listen for the slide. Jjjjjj—uuu-mmmppp. Here it in the beginning? Jjjjjjjj-uuu-mm-pp. Good! Slide /j/ is in jump.

  4. ~say~ Alright with this chart here we are going to make a tongue tickler. We have the words Jen, jumps, jar, and jellybeans. Repeat this after me: Jen jumps for the jar of jellybeans. *repeats* Good job! Now slowly say the /j/ sounding words with me. “jjjjjj-eeeeennnnn, jjjjj-uuu-mmmm-ppppsss, jjjjj----aaarrrr, jjjj-ee-ll-eee-bb-eaa-nnnsss.” Let’s try it again by separating the /j/ sound from the words. /j/ en, /j/ ump, /j/ ar, /j/ ellybeans.

  5. ~say~ Call on students and ask in which words do they hear the /j/ sound. I am going to ask a question and you will tell me which one has the /j/ sound. Raise your hand and I will call on you. Do we hear /j/ in January or December? Jump or climb? Object or lesson? Hunt or juice? Boat or jet? Just or listen? 

  6. ~say~ Alright now I am going to show you and read you a story. This story is called Jack and Jill. This is a story about two siblings you go up a hill to get a pail of water, but will the water be too heavy? Will one fall down the hill? As I read I want you to count how many times you hear the /j/ sound within the story. *Read story and get answers* Good job guys! Now I want you to think of a word with the /j/ sound and it can be anything. You can even make it up and when I call on you tell me the word you thought of. *hears a bunch of answers*

  7. ~say~ Alright now I am going to pass out this worksheet and I want you to practice writing an upper case J and a lower case j. I need you to go ahead and get your pencils out while I pass out the papers. So before you begin on the dotted line you can see where you can trace the letter j. But I am going to show on the board and walk you through it. So on that line copy me. So for both upper and lower case we will be doing a straight line with a little swoop at the end to make our slide. But for upper case we will put a line on top and for the lower case you will a dot like I am. So again we will do a straight line and a swoop to make the slide and then Once you finish let me see and if I give you a sticker you can color the pictures up top with your crayons. 

  8. ~say~ Alright now that you all finished that lets read the words below the pictures. The first one is jar. Does that have the /j/ sound? Remember raise your hand to answer. The next word is jacket, does that use the /j/ sound? And the third word under jar is jet. Does jet use the /j/ sound? And finally, jellyfish, does that use the /j/ sound?

  9. ~say~ Alright get out your primary paper and pencil. And on that paper I want you to draw me an uppercase J like you practice before. And once you are done come show me and I will give you sticker. Once you are done with that I want you to write me the lowercase j and then come show me. And once you get your second sticker sit down and continue to silently practice writing your upper and lowercase j’s. 



Worksheet: Beginning Constant Sound, KidsZone

Rogers, Ash. Pop with P.

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